Dairy Bars

Dive into the delightful flavors of our charming dairy bars! Whether you’re cycling along the 110 kilometers of Confederation Trail or exploring our scenic nature trails, a sweet treat is never far away. After a day of paddling through our beautiful bays or beach-combing along the shore, cool off with a locally crafted ice cream or a refreshing milkshake made with fresh, local dairy. End your day with a creamy delight at one of our cozy dairy bars, and let the rich flavors of Western PEI bring a smile to your face.

Showing 1 - 8 of 8
Kool Breeze Ice Cream Barn
231 Read Drive, Summerside, PE C1N 5B1, Canada
Dairy Royal
37701 Veteran's Memorial Hwy, O'Leary, PEI C0B 1V0, Canada
Harbourside Take-Out
288 PE-152, Alberton, PE, Alberton, Prince Edward Island C0B 1B0, Canada
Richmond Dairy Bar
31376 Western Road, Richmond, PE C0B 1Y0, Canada
Huntley Horizon Take Out
1226 Union Rd., Alberton, Prince Edward Island C0B 1B0, Canada
Shirley's Café
284 Church St., Tignish, Prince Edward Island C0B 2B0, Canada
Holman's Ice Cream Parlour 
286 Fitzroy Street, Summerside, PE C1N 1J2, Canada
Starlite Diner & Dairy Bar
810 Water Street East, Summerside, Prince Edward Island C1N 4J6, Canada