dare to explore|savour the best|discover the unexpected|let your heart feel free|get off the beaten path|find your adventure
Before you even arrive, you’re already our friend. That’s just how we roll Up West, where there’s always a pot of tea on the go, a story to share, and no one’s in a hurry. You’ll find unwinding comes easy, especially if you stay awhile. Relax at a family resort with world-class golfing, spa services, and an aquaplex. Or find a secluded cottage by the ocean and do absolutely nothing. Trust us, you won’t miss your cell phone.
Ready to explore PEI’s western region from city to coast? Check out our directory of where to stay, feast, explore & more below.

Discover Delicious Delights

Find Your Perfect Stay

Embark on an Adventure

Join the Excitement
Plan Your Trip Up West
Buckle up and get ready to explore new frontiers. Here on the west side of the Island, every day offers grand adventures. Pump the Stompin’ Tom tunes as you drive along the stunning coast from West Point to North Cape. Scan the waters for phantom ships as you explore The Island Walk. Discover how it all goes down when a tiny village hosts a giant music festival.
Our region covers the whole western part of the Island and is home to PEI’s second largest city, Summerside. The city is just 20 minutes away from the Confederation Bridge, making it a starting point for your next Island getaway.
Start planning your trip to the North Cape region – Come on, we dare you.

Known as The Canadian Oyster Coast, shucking and slurping are a way of life in Western PEI. Here, we prefer platters over pretense. Fresh, salty, and full of personality, you’ll quickly discover why Malpeque oysters are world-renowned. And be sure you find time to savour the other tastes of the West – potato fudge, Acadian tourtieres, craft beer down a red dirt lane, deep-fried clams, bannock cooked in the sand, and more.