MacNaught History Centre and Archives


Explore your roots and delve into Island history at the MacNaught History Centre and Archives—a genealogist and history buff’s treasure. Situated at 75 Spring Street in Summerside, this center is home to a wealth of information complete with in-depth genealogy resources; a huge collection of Island history books; and an art gallery, which is little but hosts changing exhibits.

MacNaught is open all year long from Tuesday through Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm to allow time to get help from the experts in historical research. Tools and support on a quest for your family genealogy and heritage of the Island include an extremely comprehensive set of documents at MacNaught. From reading and microfilm rooms, one could access an array of records—everything from PEI newspapers on microfilm to transcribed census and gravestone records, all available for free.

Available to the public are guided tours, and viewing time is also available by calling 902-432-1332.